Our qualified real estate team has the expertise and experience to significantly decrease costly lease termination penalties through our best practice Lease Break service.
By shortening tenancy commitment periods, reducing lease termination costs and retrieving maximum bond return, this service leverages your legal prerogative to optimise your financial return.
Our expert real estate team:
- Is fully abreast of tenant and landlord obligations
- Negotiates and retrieves maximum bond return
- Assists with Notice to Vacate and Bond Claim forms
- Participates in and delivers condition reports at the conclusion of lease
- Liaises and negotiates with the landlord/real estate agency.
If you’d like to learn more about how Kent’s Lease Break Service can meet your business needs, talk to our Corporate Specialists today.
If you’d like to learn more about how our real estate team can meet your Lease Break, or other real estate needs, contact us to speak to a Relocation Specialist today.